Minggu, 08 April 2018

Drinking Coffee Can Be Severe Menstrual Pain

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Drinking Coffee Can Be Severe Menstrual Pain


Jakarta, cramps and pain is a common thing in women who are menstruating in other words menstruation. The pain during menstruation can be more chronic if women also drink coffee. Menstrual cramps are the contractions of the previous uterus as well as throughout the period. The pain of menstrual cramps is the most common cause of skipping or schooling in young women and adolescents, according to Medline Plus. The uterine contractions help to release the uterine compartment every bln, until the menstrual cycle can start after the bleeding is over. According to the Mayo Clinic, the hormone in question causes prostaglandins contractions and discomforts are made. Menstrual cramps may be light or heavy. But if you consume beverages that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, specialty drinks as well as chocolate, so some of them may aggravate menstrual cramps. The caffeine constricts blood vessels and raises the level of cholesterol, which makes the pain more chronic, as written by Women's Health Information on Wednesday (08/10/2011). Warm drinks can help relieve cramps, but specify a drink without any cafein. Calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium supplements can also help relieve cramps during premenstrual periods. Menstrual cramps generally have a natural cause, but are sometimes a sign of a more serious medical problem. Excessive pain is referred to dysmenorrhea as well as the chances of triggering such as ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, sexually transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammatory disease, according to Medline Plus. See your doctor if you are taking menstrual cramps still quite heavy and disturbing the daily busyness even though you have been taking painkillers and reducing specific materials that are challenged like caffeine. (mer / ir)