Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Explanations Behind Pregnant 'Ngebo' and Severe Nausea While Pregnant Young

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Explanations Behind Pregnant 'Ngebo' and Severe Nausea While Pregnant Young


Jakarta, When pregnant in the first trimester, there are pregnant women who complain of nausea vomiting, even have to lie often because if standing will dizzy. But instead, there are pregnant women who feel mediocre. This condition is often referred to as' ngebo'.Menanggapi this case, obstetricians and obstetricians from Permata Depok Hospital, dr Alfiben SpOG said pregnant women naturally experience nausea. Because pregnant women have a hormone that triggers an increase in stomach acid in the body. Young pregnant, nausea vomiting was indeed much ngalamin due to high gastric acid, said Dr. Alfiben to detikHealth recently. Alfiben drdr nausea in pregnant women can be reduced by avoid foods that increase stomach acid or by reducing the frequency of food consumption. Although in principle, pregnant women should increase the portion of food. Pregnant mother to eat that the frequency added but with a small amount. For example normal 3 times a day pregnant women should 3 to 8 times a day but the number of little per meal, add dr Alfiben.Bead also: Sperm Egg Can Reduce Nausea Symptoms Vomiting While Pregnant Young While for problems ngebo, according to Dr. Alfiben it can indeed happen when pregnant women have feelings of lazy to move. In addition, other causes are pregnant women do not regulate the consumption of food. Like mothers who just eat snack-snack aja. Usually like that and not congenital baby if the mother ngebo or nausea, pungkas dr Alfiben.Baca also: This is Why Pregnant Mother There is a 'Ngebo' or Just Often Nausea Vomiting (rdn / vit)



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